Wastewater drainage from start to finish : tradewaste management in buildings
Floors and drains are an integral part of a commercial kitchen or food processing facility.
From the point of discharge from equipment and washdown on the processing or commercial kitchen floor into the linear channels, grease separators and to the sewer, a complete drain solution from start to finish is imperative. Keeping drainage elements clean and hygienic is paramount to reducing the risk of food borne pathogens.
For designers and plumbers, the story doesn’t start and finish with grease arrestors – there is a whole network of drainage upstream that needs to be considered from a more holistic view point. Understanding the level of hygiene risk, the volume of food production and the type of waste that is produced will determine the final drainage solution.
In a food production facility such as a commercial kitchen that serves hundreds of meals per day, the system of grates, gullies and linear channels must withstand significantly more wear and tear than say, a small café.
To meet those challenges, ACO offers a range of different grates, gullies, bucket traps, linear channels and grease separators to suit specific application requirements. Plumbers can be confident that fats, oils, grease and solids are captured to ensure that wastewater discharge meets trade waste specifications with the local authorities.

“ACO’s product range for food production drainage systems is designed to give those who are conscious of the importance of high performance, hygiene and durability, peace of mind,” says ACO product manager, Kate Jennings.
“For high volume or high risk applications, stainless steel is the best option to minimise the risk of food-borne pathogens and to give the best possible cleaning outcomes. The use of the Wexel range is equally as robust, but gives plumbers the option of using cast iron floor drains for low risk environments, rather than stainless steel.”
To discuss your complete food processing plumbing requirements contact ACO Australia.