Cleanability and your commercial kitchen
In food preparation facilities, cleaning is always top of mind and on the daily agenda. For chefs and commercial food businesses – how easy are your drainage systems easy to clean?
Food and beverage drainage systems that haven’t been designed carefully, or that have been specified in the wrong material (read: concrete or plastic) are time consuming and often impossible to clean.

1. Time and money
To make your kitchen as efficient as possible and keep costs to a minimum, it’s important to specific an effective drainage and grease separation system that does not compromise functionality. Your system should be well designed to minimise maintenance requirements and ensure cleaning is a quick and easy process.
At ACO, we can provide a stainless steel drainage solution which includes easy-to-remove foul air trap for high-temperature applications with frequent cleaning demands.
2. Your employees
No matter how robust your cleaning protocol and how committed your employees are to cleaning your commercial kitchen, they may well be tempted to cut corners if cleaning is a difficult and time consuming process. At ACO, we’ve carefully designed our products to make them as easy to clean as possible.
3. The environment
Are you using excessive amounts of water and detergent? Are your forced to use power-washing to clean dirt from channel corners? The specification of a hygienically designed drainage system will minimise the amount of water and detergent used during the cleaning process, reduce operating costs, and make cleaning a quicker, more efficient and more environmentally friendly process.
Want to learn more? Get in touch!